Ethernet and wireless data loggers and monitoring systems with remote sensors provide cost effective-solutions for a broad range of energy, industrial, and environmental markets.
Cold storage and refrigeration temperature monitoring solutions to ensure product quality and eliminate costly waste due to spoilage. Cost effective systems utilizing Ethernet and wireless data loggers and monitoring devices with remote sensors and temperature probes.
Our ambient temperature and humidity monitoring/ logging systems provide unmatched functionality, flexibility, and value for any storage or warehouse application.
Expand your monitoring systems with addition of available wireless controls to automate building systems including lighting, HVAC, process, and production machines to reduce energy usage costs.
Our Micro-Auctioning™ platform provides the engine behind the revolutionary efficiency and resilience performance of our systems for customer missions.
Wireless data loggers and monitoring systems with remote sensors provide crucial data necessary for benchmarking building performance, energy usage, and management.
From hardware, to full meter data management system software systems, our products are used for a wide array of metering applications and programs.