Paragon Robotics “Sparks” Interest at Collider Event hosted by AFWERX.

Twinsburg, OH - March 9, 2021

product imageParagon Robotics is invited to be a part of this year’s SPARK Collider event, April 14-15th, hosted by AFWERX, a program within the United States Air Force dedicated to creating a cultural of innovation within the service. The event boasted personnel from the United States Air and Space Forces, collaborating with Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) recipients on best practices, strategies, and way to look towards the future.

Paragon will be represented by Mr. Michael Craft, our Program Manager. Craft, who has an MS in Engineering from North Carolina State University, was formerly a research scientist with Virginia Tech, where he worked in the Center for Vehicle Systems and Safety. His experience was well-received at the Collider event, where breakout groups focused on topics like energy management, transportation, defense resiliency, and the future of military technology.

The event, which will be hosted online for COVID-19 precautions, brought together small businesses around the country to connect with Department of Defense Officials and other stakeholders. This opportunity is designed to give businesses greater insight into exactly what AFWERX does, and the needs that the Air and Space Forces will be looking for in future technology. Main events included keynote speakers from AFWERX program, the SBIR program, and universities and Fortune 500 companies alike, as well as breakout rooms, the Strategic Financing (STRATFI) showcase, and a Pitch Bowl.

“[The] AFWERX program promises to be an excellent opportunity for small businesses interested in SBIR work,” Michael Craft said. “It gives a lot of understanding into the long-term needs of our military, and how we can best adapt our products to serve them in the future.”

Paragon has received a number of SBIR awards in the past, including a Phase 2 contract with the US Navy to further develop wireless avionic sensors. These sensors allow avionics machines to connect to various testing devices without the use of bulky, expensive cables, which can additionally inhibit testing and procedures.

In spite of pandemic regulations limiting the event to online attendance, the event will bring together small businesses and military personnel for two days of discussion and networking. Going forward, events like the SPARK Collider are crucial in making sure our technology continues to stay relevant and cutting-edge in a constantly evolving world, and we hope to someday return to doing more events safely in person.

To learn more about the SBIR program, SPARK Collider, and other upcoming events, visit the AFWERX website..

Paragon Robotics

About Paragon Robotics :

Paragon Robotics is a manufacturer and service provider of data monitoring systems and controls products providing logging and automation solutions in energy, medical, industrial and environemental markets. Our Ethernet and/or wireless sensors and controls are used throughout the United States and Canada in a broad range of applications including energy efficiency (M&V), meter management, warehouse and cold storage, life sciences/ medical and industrial process monitoring. Configuration, measurement and system dashboards, data recording and logging software and analytics are provided at no additional costs. Paragon Robotics offers Enterprise level software for multi-user environements and cloud service for remote access to real time sensor data and alarm capabilities with immediate email and SMS text notification.



Kevin Kline

